Burlap Bubble Fall Wreath

It’s almost unbelievable, but the fall is just around the corner. And so it is high time to get into making some decorations (that I have neglected in the summer). If you read my blog regularly, you know that I have enjoyed jute creation. And since I like to use ideas that have proven themselves, I decided to make the fall wreath of burlap bubbles (you could already see my Easter and Christmas wreaths). Supplies* Foam wreath form (25cm diameter) Burlap ribbon (length: 5m, width: 10cm) pins with small heads Hot glue gun & glue sticks Scissors Small decorative items (pompons, pumpkins, leaves…) Step-by-Step Tutorial Step 1 A detailed description (including photos) on how to create jute bubbles can be found in this Easter Wreath tutorial. The procedure is very simple: cut the ribbon into 10x10cm squares. Take each square, fold it corner to corner to make a triangle, put a little hot glue and stick together. Bring the sides together – put a pinch of glue to each corner, and fold the both sides towards the center of your triangle – and here is your bubble  Step 2 Take a pin and push it through the bottom edge and attach it … Continue reading Burlap Bubble Fall Wreath